ya should check out Age of Conan
ya can sign up fer the beta - it won't be released fer a few months, but i've hear a lot of really good things about it.
like it's rated M fer one ;)
(for nudity, drinkin, and buckets of blood - woot!)
so here's details
it's a single player and a MMO game - which is great cause ya won't be foreced to group with dumba**'s all the time - and because of the single player style of it when ya do want to group with people they'll be better at playing thier class
speaking of class:
there are 4 main classes
soldier - yer basic 'in yer face bashing yer head in' character
priest - basic healing type thing character (cleric/druid)
rogue - for the sneaky bastards who like to play 'hide in the shadows and backstab ya when yer not lookin' type characters
mage - for people who prefer to PWN for 30yds
so the 4 main classes split into sub classes
-Guardian - fullplate wearing tank (http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/14547)
-Conqueror - run into melee and f stuff up (http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/15051)
-Dark Templar - fallen paladin kinda character (i think they can use a bit of magic too (http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/13988)
-Priest of Mitra - bit of a jack of all trades - healing, damage, crowd control and buffing - thier main focus is in healing
-Scion of Set - mainly healers, but able to fight melee and cast DoTs
-Druid of the Storm - hybrid healer/magic user (elemental)
-Bear Shaman - hybrid healer/melee character
-Barbarian - not so much a rogue, more of a weapons master (like in dnd) using all sorts of weapons for good damage
-Assassin - massive damage rogue (http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/15580)
-Ranger - basic shoots things from far away type character
-Lich - hybrid melee/caster - can go into 'lich form' (melee), can summon undead, gets some buffs aswell
-Necromancer - undead pets, DoT's and DD spells, some self buff spells too
-Herald of Xotli - hybrid melee/caster (more the the melee side though) - can transform into a demon, they have some DD & DoT's too
-Demonologist - have demon pets and although they don't know as much of a varity of spells as the other casters, they make up for it with their DD spells
Other cool character things:
5 Attributes - str,dex,wis,int,con
Tons of skills - melee buffs, caster buffs, climbing - ya know, the basics
feats - kinda like the talent point thing in wow
abilities - ya get stuff like melee combos, new spells, and combat stances (i believe all classes can use this)
More character extras: prestige classes
(some of the features)
Lord - grants increase experience point bonus to all players in the guild, can build keeps and towers
Commander - Can build barracks that will spawn soldiers to protect the settlements
Crafter - Can build crafting premises such as smithies and other facilities and can access all forms of crafting
Master - Can have powerful computer-controlled followers if in a guild and they can increase resource extraction for all guild members
the only thing that kinda come off to me as kinda "meh" about the game would be the lack of races - there are only 3:
The Aquilonia, The Cimmeria and The Stygia
(from the FAQS)
The three playable races have their strengths and weaknesses, and some of them are better fit to certain classes than others. The Cimmerians, for instance, are known for their skill with the blade, while the Stygians are renown throughout the world for their magical powers. Selecting one races will have implications towards how the game will play out for you, not only when it comes to the look of your character, but also what choices will be available to you.
which sounds kinda cool, so maybe it'll make up for the lack of varity - again these are only the races approved for launch, there may be more races in the future
Other cool things
-Massive PvP and Siege Battles
-Build and defend player-made cities
-Realtime combat - including mounted combat and head exploding goodness
-Guilds - guilds are able to make cities and conquer battlekeeps
-Crafting - not gonna get into all of it, but here's a list:
It looks and sounds like a great game and is totally worth having a look into ;)
the ship date is 03/25/08 for PC
and 09/01/08 for the Xbox 360
untill then? i suggest playing WoW on a private server - that's what i'm doing ;p