I got you cheats
SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs
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Display coordinates:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Square, Triangle, Circle(2), L1, Triangle, Circle(2), Triangle, Square. Resume the game and your current coordinates will be displayed at the bottom right corner.
Admiral difficulty:
Successfully complete single player mode under the Captain difficulty setting.
ighawm tyuota noda.
Captain difficulty:
Successfully complete single player mode under the Commander difficulty setting.
Bonus multi-player characters:
Complete the following areas under the indicated difficulty setting to unlock the corresponding multi-player character.
Al-Kamli Sarwat (North Africa terrorist): Complete North Africa under any difficulty.
KILLJOY (North Africa SEAL): Complete the training missions.
SEAL Jungle Ghillie Suit (North Africa): Complete North Africa under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
Terrorist Jungle Ghillie Suit (North Africa): Complete North Africa under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
SEAL Winter Ghillie Suit (Poland): Complete Poland under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
Terrorist Winter Ghillie Suit (Poland): Complete Poland under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
CHOPPER (South Asia SEAL): Complete South Asia under any difficulty.
Hari Raman (South Asia Terrorist): Complete South Asia under Captain or Admiral.
SEAL Desert Ghillie Suit (South Asia): Complete South Asia under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
Terrorist Desert Ghillie Suit (South Asia ): Complete South Asia under Commander, Captain, or Admiral.
Complete SOCOM 3 Fireteam Bravo on the PSP under any difficulty setting and link to SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs to unlock the COLDKILL (Poland SEAL) and Dr. Basia Mironova (Poland terrorist) characters.
Accumulate at least 24 hours of online game play to unlock the Scarecrow character skin.
Bonus weapons:
Complete a single player game under the indicated difficulty setting to unlock more weapons for single player or training modes.
IW-80 A2: Any difficulty.
STG 77: Any difficulty.
GROM weapons: Captain difficulty.
SBS weapons: Commander difficulty.
SEAL weapons: Ensign difficulty.
Terrorist weapons: Lieutenant difficulty.
Bonus items:
Complete a single player game under the indicated difficulty setting to unlock the corresponding item.
Front Grip: Captain difficulty.
Medium Scope: Captain difficulty.
Connection bonuses:
Link to a PSP with SOCOM 3 Fireteam Bravo and complete the indicated task to unlock the following bonuses, other than the standard way.
Front Grip: Complete South Asia.
Medium Scope: Complete the South Asia.
IW-80 A2: Complete the Poland.
STG-77: Complete Poland.
Al-Kamil Sarwat (North Africa Terrorist): Complete North Africa.
Dr. Basia Mironova (Poland Terrorist): Complete Poland.
Chopper (South Asia SEAL): Complete South Asia.
Complete a single player game under the indicated difficulty setting to unlock the corresponding song.
Around The Corner: Lieutenant
Hidden Fortress: Lieutenant
Hunted: Lieutenant
Into The Firefight: Captain
Land In Ruins: Lieutenant
Last Stand: Captain
Mahmoud's Escape: Captain
On The Prowl: Lieutenant
Resurrection: Captain
Trouble On The Horizon: Captain
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding movie.
Making The Music: Complete the Flashpoint or Deep Strike missions.
North African Introduction: Complete North Africa.
Poland Introduction: Complete Poland.
Credits: Complete the game with an Ensign or higher rank.
South Asia Introduction: Complete South Asia.
Hint: Heart Of The Fist: Sick raider:
When you find the third crate of the ship's cargo, there is an outhouse next to the tent. If you stand in front of the door you can hear a raider complaining about the soup he ate.
Tom DiMaggio.
Hint: Ripostes Primer: Avoiding snipers:
At the beginning of the mission where you rescue the ambassador, sweep the area. When it is clear, walk up the path and. When you reach the stairs, go up and stop at the top. Turn right and walk. You will see a patch of grass and a tree. Keep going straight and you will reach a dead end. Look to the left and you will see a secret passage. Go through, and when you get to the other side there will be a guard. Kill him and move stealthily. The two snipers on the roof will not notice you there. Take them out, then continue your mission.
Eric Mok.
Hint: Funny comment:
Play the mission where you have to escort a friendly and get information from villagers. After you get the information from the second person, silently eliminate every terrorist in that village. Then, sneak up on the outhouse and sit in front of it. After about thirty seconds you should hear a terrorist scream "Oh God-- how can you be constipated and have diarrhea at the same time?".
If you wait long enough at the overview briefing of any mission, Fireteam will begin to make fun of the mission or those involved.
Glitch: Floating gun:
Have all of the following: rocket launcher, sniper rifle, pistol, and binoculars. Take out the rocket launcher, click the weapons menu, and select the binoculars. Switch again to the rifle with the menu. Your gun should be floating and your character should be firing the rocket launcher.
Glitch: Shoot rocket while running:
Open the weapons inventory and have your primary weapon equipped. While your inventory is open, scroll to your RPG/AT-4. Once this is highlighted press X then Square almost at the same time. If done correctly, you should be able to run and shoot rockets out of your primary weapon (for example, assault rifle, sniper rifle, or machine gun).
g small.
Medal Of Honor: Rising Sun
Bullet shield mode:
Enter TANG at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. All bullets that are fired at you will be ineffective and will not damage you.
mhp, ti i, l fbuyhin.
Unlimited ammunition:
Enter GOBY at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat.
All missions:
Enter BUTTERFLY at the password screen at the options menu.
Silver bullet mode:
Enter TILEFISH at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. Silver bullet mode allows enemies to be killed with one shot.
Rubber grenade mode:
Enter DAMSEL at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat.
Snipe-O-Rama mode:
Enter PUFFER at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. This cheat allows all guns to zoom like a sniper rifle.
All replay items:
Enter GARIBALDI at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat.
Enter HOGFISH at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. This cheat allows the Japanese to kill you with one shot.
Men with hats:
Enter SEAHORSE at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. Characters will have various objects on their heads.
Invisible soldiers:
Enter TRIGGER at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. All that you will see is their guns and helmets.
Achilles head mode:
Enter MANDARIN at the password screen at the options menu. Select the "Bonus" option to enable/disable this cheat. The Japanese can only be killed with a headshot when this cheat is active.
Popeye arms:
Enter SPINEFOOT at the password screen at the options menu.
Shane, Mike Amado, Jack Hadley, Adam Pledger, TLB9015, Domenico Celi, and others.
Code notes:
The codes cannot be used in two player campaign mode.
Mike Ellis and Mike Gleeson.
Get a three gold stars rank on a level to receive the corresponding medal. The requirements are as follows. To receive the Navy Cross, get a medal on every mission.
American Campaign
Mission 5: 75% accuracy, less than 50 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Storm Pack Howitzer and Save Lt. Harrison)
American Defense Service
Mission 1: Complete two bonus objectives (Assist Engineer and Save Crewman)
Asiatic Pacific Campaign
Mission 7: 85% accuracy, less than 50 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Destroy Radio Equipment and Destroy Sake Supply)
Bronze Star
Mission 8: 85% accuracy, less than 90 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Eliminate 10 Enemies At Blockade and Disable Barge Dock)
Guadalcanal Patch
Mission 4: 75% accuracy, less than 50 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Collect 5 Documents and Disable Generator)
Marine Corps Expeditionary
Mission 6: 75% accuracy, less than 51 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Rescue 3 POWs and Find 3 Additional Evidence)
Navy Distinguished Service
Mission 2: Complete two bonus objectives (Shoot Down 20 Planes and Shoot Down 75 Planes)
Philippine Defense
Mission 3: 75% accuracy, less than 100 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Find Shima's Photograph and Find Golden Buddha)
Silver Star
Mission 9: 50% accuracy, less than 150 hits, complete two bonus objectives (Send False Radio Transmission and Find 3 Imperial Orders)
Control main menu:
Move the Right Analog-stick to control the background at the main menu.
Multi-player skins:
If you receive a medal for a mission, you also will receive a skeleton key which opens a small box which contains a new skin for multi-player mode. There is one box per mission with the exception of the Pearl Harbor mission.
Hint: Bridge On The River Kwai: Bonus objectives:
Eliminate ten enemies at checkpoint. Disable the dock.
brad thayer.
Hint: Bridge On The River Kwai: Hidden path:
Turn around and go backwards from the starting point to find a hidden path which will lead to some Japanese soldiers and a ledge that the first bridge (on the normal path), crosses. If you look down, you will see some soldiers down at the river (on a dock) that you can kill. There are some vines at the ledge that you can swing on to get access to a tunnel that contains more soldiers and a Japanese machine gun. The tunnel ends at the ledge that is directly after the first bridge (on the normal path). Note: Before swinging on the vines, search the area for a nearby film canister.
Michael Roe.
When you are on the first set of train tracks, immediately after the water tower is a hidden passage.
Hint: Bridge On The River Kwai: Film canister:
There is a film canister located on top of a carriage on the bridge. When you have released fuel from the third fuel container and turn around and go up the ramp, turn left across the carriage and it should be there.
There is a secret passage where you can get all of the film canisters. When you first enter the level, turn around and walk to the end of the path. You will see some brush. Press Action to use the machete and cut the brush down. You will be on a path. Follow the river until you get to a canyon. Walk to the edge of the canyon and a message instructing you to press Action to swing on the vine will appear. Swing over to the other side of the canyon. There will be five men there. Kill them all and look behind the rocks. You will see a film canister. Pick it up and a message reading "All films" will appear.
jordan duval.
Hint: Bridge On The River Kwai: Hidden weapon:
As you see the train tracks, you can find a hidden path which overlooks the tracks. As you proceed, you will see some boulders. Press Action near one, and it will roll onto a truck below. After you eliminate all the soldiers, follow the track and immediately after the jungle starts, on your right will be a hidden path which leads to a T-11 LMG.
Ajeet Mann.
Hint: Bridge On The River Kwai: Perfectionist Mode cheat:
After you have eliminated ten soldiers at the checkpoint, go to the gate. Make a right between two boulders toward a cane fence with an open gate. Go down to the shed on the right and press Action at the mound of dirt between the shed and the cargo crates to unlock the "Perfectionist Mode" cheat in the bonus menu.
John Miminas.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Play level longer:
To this level longer, shoot torpedoes instead of planes.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Bonus objectives:
Help the crewman shut the hatch. Save the crewman with the fire extinguisher.
brad thayer.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Hidden cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Dig at a vent to find the cheat.
brad thayer.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Unlimited ammo cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. As you are making your way up through the ship you will see a soldier that has been sprayed in the face with steam from an exploded pipe. Approach the soldier and press X. The message "Entrenchment Tool Used" will appear. This will unlock the "Unlimited Ammo" cheat in the bonus menu.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Film canister:
The mail room has a net. Cut it down with the machete to get to a film canister.
Michael Roe.
Hint: Day Of Infamy: Navy Crewman multi-player skin:
Note: This cheat requires the skeleton key. Press X at the middle barber's chair at the barbershop to unlock the Naval Crewman's multi-player skin. A message will appear, stating "Used skeleton key, unlocked Navy Crewman Multi-player Skin" or something similar.
Shaun Grenan.
Hint: Fall Of The Philippines: Bonus objectives:
Find the gold Buddha. Find a picture of a Japanese general.
brad thayer.
Hint: Fall Of The Philippines: Gunnie Lauton multi-player skin:
A skin can be found on the second floor of the building with the locked gates to the town center and giant machine gun on the roof. It is hidden in a chest. A skeleton key may be needed to open the chest.
Hint: Fall Of The Philippines: Kill your own men:
Throw a grenade at your teammate. Note: They will try to kick it; try to aim for them just slightly farther.
Hint: Fight For The Philippines: Bullet shield cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Once you reach the baseball field, in one of the corners is a pile of dirt. Press X by it and you will unlock the "Bullet Shield" cheat in the bonus menu.
Hint: Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal: Bonus objectives:
Find five pieces of intel, Blow up the generator.
brad thayer.
Hint: Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal: Hidden cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Dig at the two sandbags blocking the entrance to a tunnel.
brad thayer.
Hint: Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal: Silver bullet cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. There is a barn-like building with no walls in the mission. On one side of the building is an odd pile of dirt. A trench can be seen leading from the dirt, under the building and into a foxhole. Use the entrenching tool to dig out the dirt and unlock the "Silver bullet" cheat.
Hint: Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal: Film canister:
The second film canister is difficult to find. This is because it is quite literally over your head. As you proceed across the island you will reach several clearings with barracks buildings, HQs, supply sheds, etc. When you get to a clearing with two buildings, a truck, and a crane, run up to the crane's door and jump. Keep pressing Jump and you will start to rise up on the crane until you reach the roof. Be careful not to jump off the other side. Once you are on top, walk up the crane's arm to reach the film canister. Also, below the crane is a truck with a medical kit. The fall will take some of your health away but the medical kit easily has more than you will lose.
Hint: Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal: Guad Native multi-player skin:
When you enter the building that you must go through to secure the ammo depot, there is a room with a table with bowls. Find a room off of the large one to find a small chest. Open it to unlock the Guad Native skin for multi-player mode.
Brandon P.
Hint: Pearl Harbor: Bonus objectives:
Shoot down 20 planes. Shoot down 75 planes.
brad thayer.
Hint: Pearl Harbor: Gun turret:
Run to the left of the ship when you are on the top. You will see a gun turret. Press X to get into it.
Spencer Larsen.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Bonus objectives:
Take over the howitzer. Save Lt. Harrison (press Action near him when he is on the last bridge).
brad thayer.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Film canister:
When you have stormed the pack howitzer at the top of the hill, use it to blow up the dark rock in front of you to reveal a film canister.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Lt. Harrison multi-player skin:
The box with Lt. Harrison's skin for multi-player mode is at the outpost cabin where you find and rescue the Allied patrol and get Lt. Harrison to follow you.
Behind the POWs tied to the poles in the first part of the level is a house. Go in it, and inside should be a red chest. Press Action to unlock the Lt. Harrison skin.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Saving Lt. Harrison:
Note: This trick requires the trenching tool or machete. Press Action on the bridge after blowing up the third artillery piece to save Harrison's life and get a bonus.
Mike Brown.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Machete replay item:
The machete replay item can be found at the outpost cabin where you find and rescue the Allied patrol and get Lt. Harrison to follow you. It is around behind the cabin in a small trench that leads under the building. The machete can be used to cut the vegetation in certain areas to gain access to hidden weapons and ammo caches.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Men With Hats cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Use the entrenching tool at the entrance to a save radio just past two Japanese machine gun bunkers to unlock the Men With Hats cheat.
Kyle James.
Hint: Pistol Pete Showdown: Hidden path:
After you save the squad in the Japanese camp, go into the area filled with trees which has the normal path going to the howitzer. Instead of turning right as usual, go straight up to the top of the area and look for a hidden path. Press Action near the hidden path, and the machete will clear it. Go up the path while clearing more brush with the machete. The secret path will exit just under the howitzer. Note: The howitzer cannot bombard you while you are on this path.
Michael Roe.
Hint: Search For Yamashita's Gold: Bonus objectives:
Destroy the radio equipment. Destroy five sake water barrels.
brad thayer.
Hint: Search For Yamashita's Gold: Bazooka:
As soon as you enter the temple, turn to your left to find a group of crates. Inside one of them is a bazooka.
robby gaskins.
Hint: Search For Yamashita's Gold: Entrenching tool:
During the mission, you will find a Buddha statue sitting Indian-style holding a lotus flower. Approach it and you will take it. Near the end of the mission, after you save the pilot, go to the end of the hall and place the lotus in the fountain in front of the Buddha lying down. A message stating "You have achieved enlightenment" will appear. The fountain will lower and a door will open to your right, Indiana Jones style with a great earthquake. Take the shovel inside and a message stating "You have the entrenching tool" will appear. You can now load and switch your weapons much faster for the remainder of the game.
Hint: Search For Yamashita's Gold: Hidden path:
Go along the beginning path until you reach the first two statues to the left. Go through them and the left side of the path will have a secret path branching off of it. The entrance is only about ten feet from the beginning of the first set of statues that branch off the beginning path. Use the machete to find it. This path travels about ten feet alongside the normal path, but contains ammunition. It exits behind some of the enemy troops on the normal path.
Michael Roe.
Hint: Search For Yamashita's Gold: Multi-player skin:
Note: This trick requires the skeleton key. After rescuing the Flying Tiger pilot, go down the hall towards the reclining golden statue. To your right will be a door blocked by a stone slab. Walk up to it and press X. A "Used Skeleton Key" message will appear. Inside you will find health, ammunition, and the Flying Tiger Pilot multi-player skin.
Shaun Grenan.
Hint: Singapore Sling: Bonus objectives:
Save three POWs. Find three pieces of intel.
brad thayer.
Hint: Singapore Sling: Achilles' Head cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. In the small staircase room that leads to a small indoor platform with a broken window and a catwalk leading to the industrial building (where the first POW is found), there is a silver air duct vent on the floor by the foot of the stairs. Press Action by it and the duct will disappear, unlocking the cheat.
Hint: Singapore Sling: Hidden cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Dig at a vent to find the cheat.
brad thayer.
Hint: Singapore Sling: Hidden health:
During this mission you have to meet a man. Go to the noodle bar. The bar has noodles on it which will give you health.
Hint: Singapore Sling: Multi-player skin:
When you clear out two bedrooms near the end, in one of the rooms is a chest in a corner. Go over to it and press Action. As soon as you open this chest, you will unlock a new multi-player skin.
Hint: Super Carrier Sabotage: Immortality cheat:
Note: This trick requires the entrenching tool from the Search For Yamashita's Gold mission. Make your way through the mission until you reach a room with a row of lockers to the left of the entrance door. One of the lockers is shaded darker than the others. Press Action in front of it. A message will appear, stating that the entrenching tool was used and that the cheat is unlocked
Hint: Super Carrier Sabotage: Yamashita multi-player skin:
In the large room before the room with the radio room, there will be a chest in the corner. Walk to it and press Action. Finish the mission and save the game. You can now use Yamashita in multi-player mode.
Hint: Super Carrier Sabotage: Bonus objectives:
Send the false radio signal. Find three pieces of Intel.
brad thayer.
Hint: Super Carrier Sabotage: Regain health:
After you kill the knife throwing chef in the kitchen, you can go to the table and eat some food to restore your health.
Hint: Super Carrier Sabotage: Cereal:
Get to the room with a chef who throws knives at you. Kill him, then go into the space where all the food is kept. Look for brightly colored boxes on the shelves. The boxes are red and yellow. If you look closely, you can see that the boxes read "Cereal" in English.
Hint: Multi-player: Calumpit Chaos: Secret machine gun:
Go in the building all the way at the back of the area. Go up the stairs so that you are on the second level. There are two spaces in the wall. One of them has a table turned sideways. Stand in the middle of the two spaces so that you are facing the wall and move back a little bit. If you press Action, it brings you to an invisible machine gun.
Hint: Conserving ammunition:
There is an easier way to break open boxes if you are short on ammunition. Press Attack and it will break in one hit. If you had shot it, it may have required two or three shots to break open. Note: Break open every box you find. They may contain ammunition, health, or items usable for bonus objectives.
Hint: Easy kills with grenades:
In any mission with grenades, use your gun's crosshairs to aim, then fire your grenade (long range only).
Hint: Extra item from enemies:
Use the D-pad to hit an enemy twice very quickly. He will drop an item on himself.
candd littlefield.