2013-06-05 03:17:08 UTC
I'm certainly not a pro and not one to get angry over getting killed in a game. I would even go so far as to say that I kinda suck with console shooters, and always thought that the people who called others "cheaters" on Xbox were butt-hurt sore losers that just couldn't handle someone being better than them, but this match had me puzzled.
My score usually breaks even, or is a few points either way. But this time, it was 3 - 32 and I wasn't the only one. My entire team rage quit halfway through.
I had Ghost, Dead Silence, and a PDW-57 (submachine gun) with a suppressor attachment on Kill Confirmed in Mercenary Moshpit mode. I kept getting killed by the same two players over and over. Their end scores were 40 - 5, and 31 - 3 while the rest of their team ended with scores such as 5 - 3 and 2 - 6
I couldn't believe some of the kills they got on me, and was getting hammered by their scorestreaks, so halfway through the match I started camping hardcore and, even sometimes as soon as I'd spawn, they'd shoot me through a wall. So I started watching every kill cam which showed them point directly at me through walls as soon as the "You" bubble popped up when I spawned or they would follow my movement through the wall. This behavior resembled the wallhacks losers would use in CoD2 on PC back in the day.
Then I watched the game again afterwards in theater mode. Nobody had millimeter scanners. The two in question just had iron sights on M8A1's with FMJ and FastMag. They both had Warthog and Stealth Chopper, one had Lodestar, the other had Swarm for their scorestreaks. VSAT was Not called.
A few moments after leaving the lobby, I received the following message:
"Free hacks, glitches, full prestige, camo packs, map packs, and any other perk you may want just call 888 989 ####" (not going to display the whole number here)
Is this for real? How is it possible to hack a 360 game?